- to submit/consider/accept/reject a proposal
- 提交 / 审议 / 接受 / 拒绝一项建议
- a proposal to build more office accommodation
- 增建办公楼的建议
- His proposal that the system should be changed was rejected.
- 他提的关于修改制度的建议被拒绝了。
- They judged that the time was right for the proposal of new terms for the trade agreement.
- 他们判断,提出贸易协定新条款的时机成熟了。
- The President is to put forward new proposals for resolving the country's constitutional crisis...
- 总统将提出解决国家宪法危机的新议案。
- ...the government's proposals to abolish free health care...
- 政府关于废除免费医疗保健的提案
- After a three-weekend courtship, Pamela accepted Randolph's proposal of marriage.
- 经过3个周末的追求之后,帕梅拉接受了伦道夫的求婚。
- I'll be revenged on the whole lot of you for this.
- 这个仇我是要报的,你们一个也逃不了.
- The entire committee will talk over the proposal.
- 全体委员会将讨论这项建议.
- The proposal offered both sides a way out of the diplomatic impasse.
- 这一提议使双方都能摆脫外交僵局.
- No one is against this proposal.
- 没有人反对这个提议.
- They laughed my proposal down.
- 他们对我的建议一笑置之.
- This proposal is hardly worth of serious consideration.
- 这个建议几乎不值得认真考虑.
- " I've a proposal to make,'she announced as she entered.
- 她一进来就对大家说 “ 我有个建议.”
- She pondered his marriage proposal for weeks.
- 几个星期以来她认真地考虑着他的求婚.
- They are favorable to the proposal.
- 他们赞同这项提议.
- Fifteen scientists were massed against the proposal.
- 15位科学家聚集起来反对这项提议.
- The proposal found general acceptance.
- 这项建议被普遍接受.
- You have heard the proposal; now go away and think it over.
- 你已听了这项提议, 现在去仔细想想.
- Her proposal has something to recommend it.
- 她的建议有可取之处.
- His proposal was qualified as practical.
- 他的建议被认为是可行的.
- His proposal sounds good.
- 他的建议听起来还不错.
- Why is it that you've come out against the proposal he put forward?
- 为什么你要反对他提出的建议 呢 ?
- Your proposal necessitates borrowing money.
- 你的提议使借款成为必要.
- The committee gave its amen to the proposal.
- 委员会核准了这建议.
- He questioned the practicality of the proposal.
- 他对该项建议的可行性表示怀疑.
- The proposal was temporarily tabled due to more pressing business.
- 由于有更紧急的事务,该项议案暂缓审议.
- The original proposal had been mothballed years ago.
- 最初的建议几年前就束之高阁了。
- I have doubts about the practicality of their proposal.
- 我怀疑他们的建议是否行得通。
- The British government used its veto to block the proposal.
- 英国政府行使其否决权阻止了这项提案。