- an unpublished/original manuscript
- 未经发表的 / 原始的手稿
- I read her poems in manuscript .
- 我读过她的诗作的手稿。
- medieval illuminated manuscripts
- 中世纪的装饰过的手抄本
- He had seen a manuscript of the book...
- 他见过这本书的手稿。
- ...discovering an original manuscript of the song in Paris...
- 在巴黎发现这首歌的原稿
- ...early printed books and rare manuscripts.
- 早期的印刷书籍与手抄珍本
- Get me confirmation on the first available flight.
- 替我确定最优先的班机.
- This is a valuable medieval manuscript.
- 这是一本有价值的中世纪手抄本.
- The manuscript is no longer complete.
- 手稿已残缺不全.
- When a manuscript has been accepted for publication, it is passed to an editor for detailed scrutiny.
- 当原稿被采用出版时, 便将它交与一名编辑进行仔细校阅.
- The manuscript might be usable if the author could fill it out a little.
- 如果作者稍加充实,原稿就可用.
- His poems are still in manuscript.
- 他的诗尚未付印.
- He cancelled many unnecessary words in his manuscript.
- 他把原稿上许多多余的词删掉.
- I cancelled many unnecessary words in my manuscript.
- 我把我原稿许多不需要的字删去了.
- None of Shakespeare's plays survives in its original manuscript form.
- 莎士比亚剧本的真迹已流失殆尽.
- I must return this manuscript to the author.
- 我必须把这篇文章底稿退还给作者.
- The adaptation of the play for radio manuscript was easy.
- 把剧本改编成广播稿很容易.
- The manuscript will go to press early next month.
- 原稿将于下月初付印.
- Please return at your earliest convenience the manuscript [ draft ; material ] submitted to you for approval.
- 前请 审阅 之件,请早日掷还为荷.
- The manuscript is so corrupt that parts of it make no sense at all.
- 这稿子由于讹误太多,以致有的部分意义不明.
- To my mortification, my manuscript was rejected.
- 使我感到失面子的是:我的稿件被退了回来.
- The lost manuscript was found in a repository in France.
- 丢失的手稿在法国的一个存放处被找到了.
- Her manuscript is unavailable.
- [美]她的稿件不拟采用.
- Who's pissing about with my manuscript? They're all out of order.
- 谁在乱动我的手稿? 全给弄得乱七八糟的.
- Please make a fair copy of the manuscript.
- 请把稿件抄一下.
- The editors have polished the manuscript.
- 编辑们为这篇底稿进行了润色.
- Many lines have been interpolated into the manuscript at a later date.
- 不少字句是后来添写进原手稿中去的.
- This manuscript dates back to the 8 th century.
- 这份手稿可追溯到8世纪.
- He read through the manuscript and marked it up with his objections.
- 他把手稿通读了一遍,并在不同意的地方标了记号.