- vt. 使堕落;滥用;使反常
- n. 堕落者;行为反常者;性欲反常者
复数: perverts;第三人称单数: perverts;过去式: perverted;过去分词: perverted;现在分词: perverting;助记提示
1、per- "through" 在这里引申为:由好的一方面through到不好的一方面,=> away;同类单词:pervert, perjury.
2、per- + vert-.
3、literally "turn sb or sth through to the wrong way".中文词源
pervert 颠倒,误导,堕落,性变态per-,完全的,-vert,转,词源同divert,convert.即转过去,颠倒,引申词义误导,堕落,性变态等。
- pervert
- pervert: see verse
- pervert (v.)
- c. 1300 (transitive), "to turn someone aside from a right religious belief to a false or erroneous one," from Old French pervertir "pervert, undo, destroy" (12c.) and directly from Latin pervertere "overthrow, overturn," figuratively "to corrupt, subvert, abuse," literally "turn the wrong way, turn about," from per- "away" (see per) + vertere "to turn" (see versus).
Related: Perverted; perverting. Replaced native froward, which embodies the same image. Old English had mishweorfed "perverted, inverted," an identical formation to the Latin word using native elements. - pervert (n.)
- 1660s, "one who has forsaken a doctrine or system regarded as true, apostate," from pervert (v.). Psychological sense of "one who has a perversion of the sexual instinct" is attested from 1897 (Havelock Ellis), originally especially of homosexuals.
- 1. He was charged with conspiring to pervert the course of justice.
- 他被控谋划妨碍司法公正。
- 2. Any reform will destroy and pervert our constitution.
- 任何改革都会破坏并歪曲我们的宪法。
- 3. Reading such silly stories will pervert your taste for good books.
- 读这种愚昧的故事会败坏你对好书的嗜好.
- 4. He confessed that he was a religious believer, an admirer of capitalism, and a sexual pervert.
- 他招认他笃信宗教, 崇拜资本主义, 是个老色鬼.
- 5. He couldn't find another pervert to have a fight with closer to home?
- 他就不能找个离家近点的性变态来打架 吗 ?