- n. 女低音;男声最高音;中音乐器
- adj. 中音部的
- n. (Alto)人名;(芬、葡)阿尔托
复数: altos;助记提示
1. 来源于意大利的单词基本上都是以-o结尾,并且它们基本上都表示与音乐相关的含义,因为现代音乐基本上可以说是发源于意大利或者说深受其影响,从古罗马到近代的意大利文艺复兴。
2. alt- + -o (意大利语后缀).
3. Originally a "high" man's voice, now more commonly applied to the lower range of women's voices (which is more strictly the contralto).
4. 应该说是因为男高音和女低音发的音具有一定的相似性,由此才扩展引申出女低音。中文词源
alto 男声最高音,女声最低音来自词根alt, 高。
- alto (n.)
- 1784, "man with an alto voice," from Italian alto (canto), from Latin altus "high" (see old). Originally a "high" man's voice, now more commonly applied to the lower range of women's voices (which is more strictly the contralto), an extension first recorded in 1881.
The alto in a man is totally distinct from the contralto in a woman. The tone is utterly different -- the best notes of the one are certainly not the best notes of the other; and although in certain cases a contralto may sing with good effect music written for a male alto (e.g. in some oratorios), yet the converse is scarcely ever true. ["How to Sing," 1890]
As a type of saxophone, from 1869.
- 1. The four parts in singing are soprano, alto, tenor and bass.
- 唱歌的四个声部是女高音 、 女低音 、 男高音和男低音.
- 2. In the recording I have today, it is sung by a male alto.
- 我今天带的唱片是由一位男高音歌手唱的。
- 3. The restaurant is operated by the Palo Alto Auxiliary for the benefit of the Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital.
- 这家餐厅由帕洛阿尔托附院经营,收益用来资助露西尔·帕卡德儿童医院。
- 4. Jerry Cain coached the team from Stanford University in Alto, California.
- 杰瑞.该隐是参赛的加州帕洛阿尔托斯坦福大学队教练.
- 5. The snow reprints it, as it were, in clear white type alto - relievo.
- 可以说, 雪花用清楚的白色的浮雕又把它印刷出来了.